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ANIMALS  Our Partners On Earth.jpg


ANIMALS  Our Partners On Earth.jpg


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    1. Before starting the project, make your students do the first survey. First Survey (for Student)The same survey will be applied again as a "final survey" at the end of the project. Achieving the objective of our project will be analyzed. (you can also apply this survey to your own students if you wish) the deadline is 30 september.

    2. Create your National Student Team and add it to the National Student Teams page. Don't forget to enroll these students in our project.

    3. You can share all kinds of promotional activities you have done on the internet on this page, (social media, web site, ...) Internet dissemination- Ä°nternette tanıtım

    4. You should get permission from your parents for their participation in the projects and have them approved by the school administration. Please share a sample with us on the Media Permission Certificates page.

    5. Students will introduce themselves with various web2 tools. Let's Introduce Ourselves : Students.. At this stage, pay attention to obey the safety rules.

    6. Choose an animal mascot for your class with democratic participation and share it with us on OUR MASCOT. You can use survey tools, web2 tools like mentimeter during mascot determination stage.

    7. Ask your students to tell us about our project and make a logo. Please share with us the logo work of all students who wish to do so.Logo and poster Making (student) Do the same for poster work. 

    8. Prepare a wall panel using the logos and posters you designate. Use this board during the project. Wall boards-Duvar Panoları

    9. fill in the teacher logo, poster, slogan selection surveys on time. Logo and Poster Making (teacher)

    10. Completion of the first teacher survey and analys

    11. Share your students' project presentation with us on the Project introduction (Students)

    12. You can share all the promotional activities you have done in the school and for the parents. Dissemination for other students and parents - DiÄŸer öÄŸrenciler ve velilere tanıtım.

    13. You can share all kinds of promotional activities you have done on the internet on this page, (social media, web site, ...)

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